'From the Fountain' is a new chapter of DiHealFoMe, with quantum healing realizations channeled straight from the Source of infinite, the state of infinite and radiant abundance, uninterrupted by the products of the 'wants' of the lower self in action. The state of health is a state of mind, and it's an infinite, uninterrupted state that flows constantly. The state of disease is when we have put a mental barrier, that tricks one enough, to the point of believing s/he is sick.
There's a version in our thoughts patterns that accepts the state of disease as a possibility, creating that moment and also projecting to oneself the thought-pattern of disease. That can become a thought-form and affect our uninterrupted state of health. In its natural state it is infinitely uninterrupted, when it is projected as disease it's because we have put a barrier there, limiting our connection to the Source.
That, is a deviation from the uninterrupted flow, the natural infinite state of health and abundance in all multiverses ~
By staring at the Fountain, we stare at that reflected uninterrupted flow which is mirroring the perfect state beyond the concept of space-time, allowing ourselves to weave a new dream. In that dream we are allowing ourselves to quest any unfulfilled energies that led to the diseased state of deviation from the uninterrupted flow in the first place.
We stare at the reflection, we stare at the Fountain in order to continue weaving our dream, beyond the concept of space-time.
We can do that, we can remind that to ourselves each time we need the affirmation from the uninterrupted flow ~
We consciously weave our dream, participating, living it. In that dream we were never sick.
Let us remind something at this moment; dreaming is the main function of our mind; we are constantly dreaming, 24/7, 365. But now we have added a new parameter; we are weaving our dreams.
Let's go now, and dream big, and dream perfect; we were never sick, after all ~
P.S.: my Spirit Guides, the Healers, wanted to show you something.
4:44 when I switched on my computer to write down that message...
Thank you so much! I am both in awe and inspired right now, to continue on this path of Living energy Healing, with Your Divine guidance. Thank You ~
P.S.2: In the past they used to write books. Nowadays, we live the channeled information the moment it is received, sharing it with our fellow bothers and sisters. There's only One mind, there's only One state. The state of Abundance is a wave that connects all multiverses, "affecting" all participants. There is no separation, there's no division, what is good for me, is good for you, we are the same you and I. I am another You. Therefore, I don't have to write a book, I am channeling it live, and I am sharing it with my brothers and sisters, with the help of my Spirit Guides.
Therefore, abundance flows easily to me; as serving others, likewise all of my needs shall be fulfilled ~
channeled communication
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