Mental Alignment, or, a few words of advice on how to lead a healthy life.
When we perceive a –seemingly– different person from our own self, s/he is there because we have created that "reflection" with the power of our own mind. We have put there that person, in order to learn from the exchange of communication with one another and evolve faster, quicker, before we return to the source of Infinite Love. Be it, a criminal, a murderer, a saint, a woman or a man, that we happen to meet or even had an unpleasant experience with, that person is a reflection. That person is a creation of our own mind. And we have created that interaction in order to teach us something. It would be extremely easy to create all these roles inside our own head, and pretend that we have passed the lessons. But, the real lessons are difficult, and in the same time... they are quite easy, when we understand the process of life in its wholeness.
We have to successfully pass this exam by forgiving/accepting/honoring that person as we would treat our own self.
Did you perhaps bypass the dirty beggar at the corner of the street? S/he is another you. You could be in her/his position. In fact, most likely the plausible scenario is that, in the following incarnation you will be a person like him, if you had decide to play it snob and haughty in this life.
Today I happened to read a story, about a man that he killed a cat by kicking the poor animal and he is about to pay an extremely high fine for this. All the comments below the article were expressing hatred towards that man; and relief, because he would have to pay for his deed. But... what we have to do actually, is to pray for both of them. We have to pray for the poor animal to not suffer anymore and also, we have to pray for that man, to be able and perceive the underlying cause(s), which is that invisible psychological net of his emotional wounds that manifested into that horrible deed. All that psychological stuff which that man didn't face when they occurred and those are to blame.
Therefore, when we dive deep into that psychological labyrinth of the person at fault, we may recognize a part of ourselves waiting there to be re-discovered, to be brought back to the surface, under the light of a mind that is whole (mindful), in order to be healed. In fact, that person appeared in order to teach us forgiveness. And when we learn how to forgive and unconditionally love another us/me/you, then we are in alignment with our higher Self, because in the moment we forgive and unconditionally love the other us/me/you, we clear the fog from the mirrors, those mirrors that exist in our collective dream, making us believe that we are separate from another person. And then we are able to have a direct, first-hand experience of Divine Grace, by forgiving the other person.
Concluding, forgiveness is the major cornerstone in the long and arduous process of healing. And the one that seeks healing, first has to align his/her mental projections, his mental body, before the physical body can be healed. The mental body is hierarchically higher than the physical, dense body, which in fact is the projection, the outcome of all the other subtle bodies of man. Therefore, the healing begins from the subtler bodies, externalizing to the denser (physical) body ~
Surviving has a huge difference from thriving. We eat food that is been converted into energy for our daily mental and physical functions. If that food is of low quality, the outcome will be equal, a diseased organism. It's simply the law of cause and effect. For example, one can survive for many years by eating junk food, because their body tries to adapt in the "fuel" entered their organism. But that does not mean that that organism is thriving. In fact, what that recipient3 does is accumulating disharmony in their body, in the form of energy that it will be later manifest as disease(s). Therefore, lets bear in mind that an adequate percentage of live/raw foods is essential for a healthy organism.
- Mind polarization
- Openness and positive attitude
- Mental equilibrium
- Forgiveness
- Diet
- How diseases occur?
Mind polarization
The term mind polarization here means how we choose to polarize1 ourselves towards other people, or group of people, towards ideas and views, in order to maintain an alignement in our relationship with others. The polarity we choose to resonate into. A mind that is positively polarized, feeling a natural proximity towards positive people or at least towards people that are not expressing negativity and toxicity; a mind that is making use of those uplifting ideas, that elevate the spirit higher, will lead a harmonious life and that person has a higher success rate, attracting the most from their everyday lives, if they choose the right people to keep in their circles and a healthy mindset. From mutual appreciation and understanding comes mutual growth.
The term mind polarization here means how we choose to polarize1 ourselves towards other people, or group of people, towards ideas and views, in order to maintain an alignement in our relationship with others. The polarity we choose to resonate into. A mind that is positively polarized, feeling a natural proximity towards positive people or at least towards people that are not expressing negativity and toxicity; a mind that is making use of those uplifting ideas, that elevate the spirit higher, will lead a harmonious life and that person has a higher success rate, attracting the most from their everyday lives, if they choose the right people to keep in their circles and a healthy mindset. From mutual appreciation and understanding comes mutual growth.
Openness and positive attitude
Life is a constant flow throughout the Universe. It has various levels and different frequencies of manifestation. A narrow spectrum of this abundant state is our life here on planet Earth in this dimension, inheriting some principles of energy even in this dense costume of the soul (body). So, reflecting the Universe, we are energy too, we can draw abundance too. Health and abundance is a natural state in the Universe, but we humans tend to put barriers blocking this constant flow. As children of the Cosmos, we have a constant, uninterrupted connection to our Father–the Universe, although it is invisible in our narrow spectrum of perception, it is a subtle energy. Consciousness is a resonant field that exists throughout the Universe and permeates everything. Those beings with adequate equipment, are able to resonate in that field. The deep healing is restoring that universal connection at the utmost level, and it starts at the mental/spiritual level, continuing to the physical (body). Therefore it is important to maintain a positive and open attitude with positive thoughts that can help the mind focus on the self-healing process, because the most effective way of living is:
a) maintaining a positive attitude and
b) being open and receptive to what comes into our lives.
In what we experience daily, moment by moment, we have the power of making choices. We can choose if we are going to let a certain incident affect us, or not. We can choose sides (polarization again), we can choose to view the glass half empty, half full, to believe that there is no glass at all, or, to put the glass down, if that incident drains off our energy. We can choose to accept and welcome into our lives the positive attributies of everything, starting by our own self, and then be open and receptive in that pole (polarization) so that we attract similar energies.
Mental equilibrium
A~Ω. The Alpha, the point of inception, begins from our thoughts, the mind. A tranquil and centered mind points to a successful person. Success is not only having money, in fact money may come as the outcome of a successful person, but they do not necessarily define success. Success is when one is the conqueror of his own mind, when one can remain steady as a rock in the middle of the seaway. To conquer something is not to fight for something. To conquer, is to let the silence teach you and subsequently to become that talkative silence. A conqueror then has merged within both the teacher and the pupil. The conqueror then is lightweight to the flow, malleable in the constant flux of learning, as learning is closely associated with change. Then the conqueror moves forth, and the Universe moves along with him.
But all that is not an easy task for everyone to achieve, living inside these societies, and it was just mentioned to expose our true abilities as human beings.
But all that is not an easy task for everyone to achieve, living inside these societies, and it was just mentioned to expose our true abilities as human beings.
For a common layman to achieve a basic state of mental equilibrium, it is by learning to be mindful. When one is mindful of the process of thought, how the thought arises and how subsides, how it becomes our actions, then one learns to pay attention. Mindfulness is awake meditation, constant mindfulness is constant awareness in each moment. But the true benefits of meditation will gradually appear when one is learning how to cut the noise, the clutter of the mind, that jumps from thought to thought like a monkey. That can be achieved with the still/sitting meditation, or vipassanā meditation. There are variations of the still/sitting meditation, but all of them aim in the emptiness of the mind from thoughts, and subsequently, filling oneself with the mindful state of being present in the moment. The vipassanā meditation techniques aid enormously into a state of a calm, tranquil mind, making someone more peaceful and deeply relaxed, reducing anger and violence. One then is simply absorbing the moments in their continuous cycle of motion, rising and falling; coming and going, as clouds in the sky. Even a quarter of sitting meditation per day for the busy people can do wonders. The secret here is consistency.
Each one we see out there, each one we meet, s/he is our reflection. This life is a dream, and in this dream, we are dreaming that we are separate from one another, when, in fact, there's only one person, experiencing all possibilities. It may seem difficult to grasp that at first, since our whole life is a gigantic habitual pattern repeating over and over again, in seasonal cycles. As children we are been taught what to believe and what not to believe, and later, as we grow up, we sew these notions into our skin, borrowing them, making them our own beliefs, which become a part of that repetitive habitual and vicious Ego. It's difficult to escape the carefully conditioned mind, which is wired with etiquette and propriety. Plus, the limited wired senses of this earthly body, sent as electrical signals in our brain. Yet, the only possible solution for our quick evolution on this journey here on Earth, is the way we are cabled to exhibit. The quickest way of evolving and passing all the exams here on this planet (before we move on to the next one) is to experience –and treat– each person as our teacher.
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It is your mind that creates this world – The Buddha |
We have to successfully pass this exam by forgiving/accepting/honoring that person as we would treat our own self.
Did you perhaps bypass the dirty beggar at the corner of the street? S/he is another you. You could be in her/his position. In fact, most likely the plausible scenario is that, in the following incarnation you will be a person like him, if you had decide to play it snob and haughty in this life.
Today I happened to read a story, about a man that he killed a cat by kicking the poor animal and he is about to pay an extremely high fine for this. All the comments below the article were expressing hatred towards that man; and relief, because he would have to pay for his deed. But... what we have to do actually, is to pray for both of them. We have to pray for the poor animal to not suffer anymore and also, we have to pray for that man, to be able and perceive the underlying cause(s), which is that invisible psychological net of his emotional wounds that manifested into that horrible deed. All that psychological stuff which that man didn't face when they occurred and those are to blame.
Therefore, when we dive deep into that psychological labyrinth of the person at fault, we may recognize a part of ourselves waiting there to be re-discovered, to be brought back to the surface, under the light of a mind that is whole (mindful), in order to be healed. In fact, that person appeared in order to teach us forgiveness. And when we learn how to forgive and unconditionally love another us/me/you, then we are in alignment with our higher Self, because in the moment we forgive and unconditionally love the other us/me/you, we clear the fog from the mirrors, those mirrors that exist in our collective dream, making us believe that we are separate from another person. And then we are able to have a direct, first-hand experience of Divine Grace, by forgiving the other person.
Concluding, forgiveness is the major cornerstone in the long and arduous process of healing. And the one that seeks healing, first has to align his/her mental projections, his mental body, before the physical body can be healed. The mental body is hierarchically higher than the physical, dense body, which in fact is the projection, the outcome of all the other subtle bodies of man. Therefore, the healing begins from the subtler bodies, externalizing to the denser (physical) body ~
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Every time I judge someone else, I reveal an unhealed part of myself – Shawne Duperon |

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Image from USGS. To learn more about the benefits of water, visit their page |
Since we are energy beings, we need to keep this body clean by consuming energy food; food that is alive and vibrant and provides all the necessary micro-nutrients for our body to maintain a good health and thus to thrive.
Surviving has a huge difference from thriving. We eat food that is been converted into energy for our daily mental and physical functions. If that food is of low quality, the outcome will be equal, a diseased organism. It's simply the law of cause and effect. For example, one can survive for many years by eating junk food, because their body tries to adapt in the "fuel" entered their organism. But that does not mean that that organism is thriving. In fact, what that recipient3 does is accumulating disharmony in their body, in the form of energy that it will be later manifest as disease(s). Therefore, lets bear in mind that an adequate percentage of live/raw foods is essential for a healthy organism.
Water. When we are born, our body consists of up to 90% water and as we age, the amount can drop to 60%. I have noticed that many people literally forget to dring enough water. Soda drinks cannot substitute for water. Water is the best dissolver. When one’s diet mainly consists of cooked and processed foods, heavy meats, tamasic foods and that person is not drinking water, s/he is creating a highly toxic environment in his body. From this highly toxic environment diseases are being created.
In conclusion, it is always wiser to prevent a disease.
Now, the roots of the disease may vary. The disease may have occurred due to a toxic diet, due to toxic emotional states, due to a toxic environment or it may have been transferred over from a previous incarnation. Or, from a combination of all these factors altogether. The state of disease is the effect of disharmony and it first appears in the etheric body before it is manifested as a disease in the physical body. When we bring back harmony to mind and body, then we are already in the healing process. When the accumulated disharmony has stacked up to the ceiling, then there's not enough time to reverse the diseased state, and then is when the healer comes along to aid in the healing process.
With distant focused healing meditations, the healing begins at the etheric bodies. In those deep spiritual energy healing sessions, I dive into a transcendental non-linear state of mind, where time and space do not exist. There, I am directing multidimensional spiritual energy to the etheric body of the recipient.
1. The term polarization here refers to the property of waves, as in cymatics. Not to be confused with the term used in psychology.
2. In fact, the term self is something difficult to define and possibly easier to defy. According to the Buddhist doctrines, there is not something as self. What we cal self could be paralleled to the forest. There's no actual forest, there are just many trees together. Consequently, the term self, is a name we gave to our aggregated sensed experiences and electrical signals from our brain, in the same way that we created the word forest to describe the bluff of trees. Going deeper on that train of thought, there are neither trees as well... There are only electrons that can behave like particles or waves according to the observer. Letting us thus conclude that, everything is energy that can be manipulated by the will and the intention of the observer.
3. The person that receives the distant healing focused energy.
How diseases occur?
We, as tiny holographic indivisible parts, reflect the macrocosm (universe) into the microcosm (the aggregation of sensations that we call self2), have the innate ability for self-healing, that is programmed in our DNA. When we fall from our bicycle and our knee bleeds it will recover from the injury naturally, on its own. Let's remember now the known catchy phrase As above so below. The same principle applies also here and a healthy human body is self-regulating and self-repairing.Now, the roots of the disease may vary. The disease may have occurred due to a toxic diet, due to toxic emotional states, due to a toxic environment or it may have been transferred over from a previous incarnation. Or, from a combination of all these factors altogether. The state of disease is the effect of disharmony and it first appears in the etheric body before it is manifested as a disease in the physical body. When we bring back harmony to mind and body, then we are already in the healing process. When the accumulated disharmony has stacked up to the ceiling, then there's not enough time to reverse the diseased state, and then is when the healer comes along to aid in the healing process.
With distant focused healing meditations, the healing begins at the etheric bodies. In those deep spiritual energy healing sessions, I dive into a transcendental non-linear state of mind, where time and space do not exist. There, I am directing multidimensional spiritual energy to the etheric body of the recipient.
1. The term polarization here refers to the property of waves, as in cymatics. Not to be confused with the term used in psychology.
2. In fact, the term self is something difficult to define and possibly easier to defy. According to the Buddhist doctrines, there is not something as self. What we cal self could be paralleled to the forest. There's no actual forest, there are just many trees together. Consequently, the term self, is a name we gave to our aggregated sensed experiences and electrical signals from our brain, in the same way that we created the word forest to describe the bluff of trees. Going deeper on that train of thought, there are neither trees as well... There are only electrons that can behave like particles or waves according to the observer. Letting us thus conclude that, everything is energy that can be manipulated by the will and the intention of the observer.
3. The person that receives the distant healing focused energy.
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